"On ne goûterait pas le comique si l’on se sentait isolé...Vous auriez ri comme eux si vous eussiez été de leur société. Mais n’en étant pas, vous n’aviez aucune envie de rire...Si franc qu’on le suppose, le rire cache une arrière-pensée d…
"Il ne faut regarder que dans les miroirs. Car les miroirs ne nous montrent que des masques..." (Wilde. Salomé.) 「覗き込むのは鏡だけでいい。鏡がわたしたちに映し出すのは仮面にほかならないのだから……」(ワイルド『サロメ』仏訳版)
"The cosmic bodies float on the wings of harmony and rhythm. That which one calls centripetal and centrifugal force is nothing other than harmony and rhythm, respectively. Elevated by the same wings, music floats in space to weave an audib…
"YERMA: I don’t care. Let my voice at least be free, now that I’m falling into the darkest pit. (She rises) Let this beautiful thing at least emerge from my body and meet the air." (Lorca. Yerma. 3.1) 「イェルマ 気にしない。せめてこの声は…
"Thus there is such a thing as being too profound. Truth is not always in a well. In fact, as regards the more important knowledge, I do believe that she is invariably superficial. The depth lies in the valleys where we seek her, and not u…
" Ah yes, if only I could bear to be alone, I mean prattle away with not a soul to hear. [Pause.] Not that I flatter myself you hear much, no Willie, God forbid. [Pause.] Days perhaps when you hear nothing. [Pause.] But days too when you a…
"Tous les autres vices des hommes sont exposés à la censure, et chacun a la liberté de les attaquer hautement ; mais l’hypocrisie est un vice privilégié, qui, de sa main, ferme la bouche à tout le monde, et jouit en repos d’une impunité so…
今年もどうぞよろしくおねがいします — at Corona del Mar State Beach.
"The end is in the beginning and yet you go on." (Beckett. Endgame.) 「終わりは始まりのなかにあるんだけど続けてやっていく。」(ベケット『勝負の終わり』)
"Remember/ First to possess his books; for without them/ He's but a sot." (Shakespeare. The Tempest. 2.3) 「忘れるなよ/まず奴の本を手に入れるんだぞ。あれがなきゃ/あいつはただの馬鹿だ」(シェイクスピア『テンペスト』2幕3場)