What do you do with student papers and bluebooks? I have a few boxes full of such things and there's no available space for keeping them any longer. However, as I imagine throwing them away into a dust box and they would get smeared with d…
Very often I find myself extending already extremely verbose footnotes to monstrous lengths. And I take great pleasure in digressing from the main argument, freely dropping the titles of a huge amount of books and articles I consulted, scr…
アメリカ観察記断章。明確な理由もないのに何となくI'm sorryと言ってはいけない、というのはアメリカ生活を目指すなかのどこかで必ず目にするアドバイスだ。ここにあるのは、アメリカは訴訟社会だからむやみやたらに謝るととんでもないことになる、という警…