
"These fragments I have shored against my ruins."


"Not that I would have wished for what threatens us, for it is despair, it is madness. Not that I would have wished it, because my pity, my forlorn compassion, is far too deep for this unhappy nation; and when I think back ten years to its awakening and blind fervor, to the uprising that broke forth to break open and break down, to the new beginning that was to purify everything, to our popular and national rebirth, to that specious holy ecstasy, in which, to be sure, were mixed, as warning signs of its treachery, so much savage brutality and hulking vulgarity, so much obscene lust to violate, torture, humiliate, and which, as every sensible person knew, already bore war, this entire war within it--when I think back to all that, then my heart shrinks at the enormous investment of faith, enthusiasm, and historical high passion that will now explode in a bankruptcy without compare. No, I would not have wished it--and have had to wish it nonetheless--and I know that I wished it, too, wish it now and will welcome it: out of hatred for the wanton contempt for reason, the sinful ignoring of truth, the vulgar voluptuous cult of a seed with what it once was, the sordid abuse and cheap peddling of what was old and genuine, faithful and familiar, of what was fundamentally German, from which liars and frauds then prepared a stupefying poisonous home-brew. That wild intoxication--for constantly yearning to be intoxicated, we drank freely, and under that illusory euphoria we have for years committed a plethora of disgraceful deeds--must now be paid for." (Mann. Doctor Faustus.Chapter XXI.)
