
"These fragments I have shored against my ruins."

好意をつくりだす(ル=グウィン『ギフト 西のはての年代記I 』)

「母は人に対して警戒心をもつのが苦手だった。警戒心は母の性格にふさわしくないものだったからだ。母は好意のないところに好意を見ることによって、しばしば好意をつくりだしてきた。館の人々は喜んで母に仕え、母とともに働く。母に対しては、気難しい農夫も敬愛の情をこめて話しかけるし、無口な農奴の老婆も、妹に対するように心の憂さを打ち明ける。」(ル=グウィン『ギフト 西のはての年代記I 』)

But she was uncomfortable with distrust, which did not come naturally to her. By seeing goodwill where there was none, often enough she had created it. The people of the household worked with and for her with willing hearts; the sullenest farmers spoke to her cordially, and tight-mouthed old serf women would confide their sorrows to her as to a sister. (Le Guin. Gifts.)