
"These fragments I have shored against my ruins."


All the grading work is done, though there still are two problems to be solved. I found that one student almost plagiarized to write a film review; turnitin.com tells me about 40 percent of that student's draft overlaps with materials in the internet. Second, I found that one student isn't enrolled! This is strange, because the roster still lists the name of that student, and that student's the one of the most industrious in my class. But the truth is, I'm afraid, that that student isn't officially enrolled in my course. Ah, I'll leave for Japan tomorrow and how can I deal with these two difficult cases only via email. I feel so exhausted...but now I have to go to the library, scan some pages, return books, put books and clothes into my luggage, and more, write a very rough draft of my prospectus!