
"These fragments I have shored against my ruins."


To which extent do we imitate our parents' writing style? Reading my father's blog, I was struck to find that my tone and diction was exactly his. Yes, we worked together for more than half a decade. I translated, he edited my drafts, and I reedited his proofs. So, it's just natural that I write as he writes; his style had been my model; I tried to translate as he did. But I believed that since then I began to write in my own way, with my own voice. So, it's just surprising, even embarrassing, to see today that I still write in his wake. I don't know whether I really want to write differently. I find my father's style strong and powerful, and thus it's plausible that I unconsciously imitate him. So my reasoning goes. But it's somewhat, well, uncanny, that he's still my mentor.