
"These fragments I have shored against my ruins."


"O my brothers, your nobility should not look backward but ahead! Exiles shall you be from all father- and forefather-lands! Your children's land shall you love: this love shall be your new nobility--the undiscovered land in the most distant sea. For that I bid your sails search and search." (Nietzsche. Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Third Part. "On Old and New Tables.")

「おお、わが兄弟たちよ、高貴なるきみらは後ろを振り返ってはならぬ。前を見よ。あらゆる父の地から、あらゆる祖父の地からの亡命者となれ! きみらの子らの地をこそ愛せよ! この愛がきみらの新たな高貴さとなるーー遠い遠い彼方の海の未踏の地。だからきみらの帆にわたしは命じる、探し、探し続けよう、と」(ニーチェツァラトゥストラはかく語りき』)