
"These fragments I have shored against my ruins."


Repulsive overwork (Kropotkin. "Anarchist Communism.")

"Overwork is repulsive to human nature--not work. Overwork for supplying the few with luxury--not work for the well-being of all. Work is a physiological necessity, a necessity of spending accumulated bodily energy, a necessity which is he…

Unlearning isn't easy (Le Guin. "Firelight.")

"He had to unlearn it, and the unlearning was not easy." (Le Guin. "Firelight.")


"I dream of a book powerful enough to contain the elements of her — but it is not the sort of book to which we are accustomed these days. For example, on the first page a synopsisof the plot in a few lines. Thus we might dispense with the …


"...la poésie est anarchique dans la mesure où elle remet en cause toutes les significations. Elle est anarchique aussi dans la mesure où son apparition est la conséquence d'un désordre qui nous rapproche du chaos." (Artaud. Le théâtre et …


"'...You have to accept that sometimes that's how the things happen in this world. People's opinions, their feelings, they go one way, then the other. It just so happens you grew up at a certain point in this process.'/ 'It might be just s…


"But I keep on going with this sad and hungry and sordid, this limping and mutilated story, because after all I want you to hear it, as I will hear yours too if I ever get the chance...By telling you anything at all I'm at least believing …


"Something of popular sovereignty remains untranslatable, nontransferable, and even unsubstitutable, which is why it can both elect and dissolve regimes. As much as popular sovereignty legitimates parliamentary forms of power, it also reta…


"A story is like a letter. 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘠𝘰𝘶, I’ll say. Just 𝘺𝘰𝘶, without a name. Attaching a name attaches you to the world of fact, which is riskier, more hazardous...𝘠𝘰𝘶 can mean more than one./ 𝘠𝘰𝘶 can mean thousands." (Atwood. The Handmaid's T…


"Properly speaking, it belongs to the highest cultural development of the people to say everything in their own language. The concepts that we mark with foreign words seem to us to be themselves something foreign and not to belong to us im…


"Grains de sable ? Sans doute, des atomes; il est clair que si ces atomes étaient déjà organisés, ce ne serait pas l'avenir, ce serait le présent; alors, il n'y aurait pas besoin de prévoir, il suffirait de voir. Quand on dit prévoir, il e…

don't fear changes, because we are creatures of infinite possibilities(ガタリ『カオスモーズ』)

"Why describe the homogenesis of ontological referents - and, by extension, the latent homogenesis of other modalities of subjectivation - as chaotic? It's because, all things considered, worlding a complexion of sense always involves taki…


"In the writings of a hermit one always also hears something of the echo of the desolate regions, something of the whispered tones and the furtive look of solitude; in his strongest words, even in his cry, there still vibrates a new and da…


"Listen; work has taken up the whole of my existence...It is like a germ thrown into the cranium, which feeds on the brain, finds its way into the trunk and limbs, and gnaws up the whole of the body. The moment I jump out of bed of a morni…


"I have no faith, however, in the existence any such internal instinct [towards perfection] and I cannot see how this benevolent illusion is to be preserved. The present development of human beings requires, as it seems to me, no different…


"The great difference between percepts and concepts is that percepts are continuous and concepts are discrete...No matter how small a tract of [the perceptual flux as such] be taken, it is always a much-at-once, and contains innumerable as…


"The cultivation of poetry is never more to be desired than at periods when, from an excess of the selfish and calculating principle, the accumulation of the materials of external life exceed the quantity of the power of assimilating them …


"Organization for any counteraction against state and capitalism must introduce within itself the device of introducing contingency in the magnetic power center." "...what is preferable to us would be to choose the most crucial post by lot…


"O villain! thou wilt be condemned into everlasting redemption for this." (Shakespeare. Much Ado About Nothing. 4.2)


"Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player/ That struts and frets his hour upon the stage/ And then is heard no more. It is a tale/ Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,/ Signifying nothing." (Shakespeare. Macbeth. 5.5)


"Die späten Nächte fürcht ich/ lang und klar./ Verbittert such ich jetzt/ im Park, was war. [I fear the late nights,/ long and clear./ I search bitterly now/ in the part for what was.]" (Thomas Bernhard. Unter dem Eisen des Mondes [Under t…


"O, then I see that madmen have no ears." (Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet. 3.3)


"...je ne savais même pas au premier instant qui j’étais; j’avais seulement dans sa simplicité première, le sentiment de l’existence comme il peut frémir au fond d’un animal: j’étais plus dénué que l’homme des cavernes; mais alors le souve…


"Nous voulons, tant ce feu nous brûle le cerveau, Plonger au fond du gouffre, Enfer ou Ciel, qu’importe ? Au fond de l’Inconnu pour trouver du nouveau !" (Baudelaire. "CXXVI. LE VOYAGE." in Les Fleurs du mal (1861).)


"To be up after midnight, and to go to bed then, is early; so that to go to bed after midnight is to go to bed betimes." (Shakespeare. Twelfth Night. 2.3)


"Das Einzelne erweist sich immer wieder als unwichtig, aber die Möglichkeit jedes Einzelnen gibt uns einen Aufschluss über das Wesen der Welt." (Wittgenstein. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. 3.3421) [Again and again the solitary turns out …


"The state has never any concern with truth, but only with the truth useful to it, or rather, with anything that is useful to it, be it truth, half-truth, or error. A coalition between state and philosophy has only meaning when the latter …


How the concrete-abstract emerges in history differently from in thought: "But this is by no means the process by which the concrete itself comes into being. For example, the simplest economic category, say e.g. exchange value, presupposes…


le virtuel and/as l'actuel C'est que le « virtuel » se distingue du « possible », au moins de deux points de vue. D'une certain point de vue en effet, le possible est le contraire du réel, il s'oppose au réel ; mais, ce qui est tout différ…


"Foucault dit qu'il fait des « études d'histoire », mais non un « travail d'historien ». Il fait un travil de philosophe, qui n'est pourtant pas une philosophie de l'histoire...Ce qui est historique, ce sont toutes les formations stratifié…


"Le structuralisme n'est pas du tout une pensée qui supprime le sujet, mais une pensée qui l'émiette et le distribue systématiquement, qui conteste l'identité du sujet, qui le dissipe et le fait passer de place en place, sujet toujours nom…